Ranked #15 in the world
We are proud to announce that Visual Magic has been ranked among the Top Creative Schools in the world by the independent organisation The Rookies. After 180 judges from the VFX industry had reviewed the work supplied by over 5,500 students participants and completed 58,000 reviews, Visual Macic was ranked #15 in Production Excellence – Visual Effects. Also, our student Michael Tiedke (now working at Stiller Studios) won the award for ”Film of the Year...
Scholarship for International Students
This year, Visual Magic is rolling out the red carpet for our Scholarship Program, offering a select few International Students a subsidised way to study Visual Effects for Games and Film in Skellefteå, Sweden! International Students normally pay a total tuition fee of €25,000 – but we now also offer five (5) Scholarships (judged on the work samples provided by the applicants) that lowers the total fee to €5,000 for the whole education. Join the Ranks of...
Earthlock 2 – Official Cinematic Trailer
We believe strongly that having real projects for real clients during the education is important for the learning process. Therefore we strive to, from time to time, have our students do assignments for companies. One such gig was doing the official Earthlock 2 trailer for Snowcastle Games, published through IGN.
Get to know our students and teachers
Watch some film clips where our previous and current students and teachers talk about the edudation and their careers – most clips can also be found on our YouTube channel: Sorry, your browser doesn't support embedded videos.
VFX Mojo teaching Houdini and Nuke
Visual Magic’s VFX training program is honoured to add Maria Sahai, FX artist and trainer, and Karim Sahai, a VFX supervisor to our faculty team. They are co-owners of visual effects studio, VFX Mojo. With more than 50 feature films and television series under their belt (The Lord of The Rings, Avatar, Shazam, Dune: Part Two and Furiosa: A Mad Max saga) their deep involvement and long time commitment with Visual Magic brings an added layer...
Borderless Game Academy
A project financed by Interreg Aurora Visual Magic Education AB is now, together with Novia University of Applied Science, a proud part of the two-year Interreg Aurora project Borderless Game Academy. This will help us form a tighter bound between the Finnish and Swedish education systems and provide better courses and an extended work network for our students. The game development industry is blossoming at an exhilarating pace, particularly in the Interreg Aurora programme area,...
Varjo XR-3, Nvidia RTX 6000 Ada, Jetson AGX Orin …
Använd den absolut nyaste tekniken Som student hos oss får du även möjlighet att jobba med den senaste hårdvaran – som här när Emelie från årskurs två och Houdini-utvecklaren Lukas blir involverade i ett R&D-projekt (kring AI och digitala tvillingar) gentemot Nvidia och får testa världens mest avancerade headset Varjo XR-3 på en Threadripper-bestyckad dator med Nvidia RTX 6000 Ada och en separat processorenhet: Jetson AGX Orin Development Kit… Inne i en immersiv värld får användarna i realtid...
Get to know our students: Russel – VFX21
Say hi to Russel! My name is Russell Harper and I’m a mature student at age 41. I am originally from the UK but have been living in the Nordics since 2009. As a family, we moved to Sweden in 2017 so my wife could specialize in her chosen medical field of IVF. ⠀ I have predominantly worked in sales over the last 20 years but felt it was a case of now or never...
Lektion: Edisen
Oscar Rosenberg (Edisen) håller lektioner i Digital Compositing (Nuke). – ”Det var ett stort nöje att få träffa alla ambitiösa studenter i både årskurs ett och årskurs två på Visual Magic och tillsammans få bygga på deras kunskaper och erfarenheter inom compositing. Alla studenter gjorde ett fantastiskt jobb och vi på Edisen ser fram emot att få besöka Visual Magic igen. Bra samtal och positiv miljö.”, säger Oscar om sin tid hos oss.
Föreläsning: Ted Kjellsson
Visual Magic fick finbesök! Filmregissören Ted Kjellsson höll i lektioner kring Preproduktion (Previs) och visade klipp från sina filmproduktioner, inkl. hemligheter från den ännu ej släppta filmen Håkan Bråkan (planerad biopremiär julen 2022). Ted visar klipp från Ensamma i rymden – och pratar nackdelar med att designa aliens med ”anus-munnar” 😉 Ted hos VFX21, ht21
Studentcase: Blandade klipp
Sorry, your browser doesn't support embedded videos.Visual Magics första VFX-klass, VFX20, har gjort en hel del skarpa projekt på uppdrag av externa beställare. I denna video visas korta klipp från några av dessa, inklusive: reklamvideo kampsport (Skellefteå Budokan och Svenska Budo & Kampsportsförbundet) trailer för spelet Last Farewell (Flat Tail Studios AB) animerat konstnärsprojekt, motion capture, Rerebirth (Joanna Lombard) grafik till 2021 års julkalender En hederlig jul med Knyckertz (SVT/Unlimited Stories) ”digital spokesperson” (Arctic Game...
Sommaravslutning: VFX20
Visual Magics första årgång, VFX20, tar sommarlov! Efter ett intensivt första år firar vi sommarens intåg med våra lärare och studerande. 28 personer i 28 °C, coincidence? I Think Not! Som vanligt är det i Skellefteå det händer 🙂 3 juni 2021, en episk dag att minnas! Fler bilder hittar ni på Facebook:
Lär känna våra studenter: Deniz – VFX20
I Visual Magics första årgång, VFX20, hittar vi Deniz. Varför vill du jobba som VFX-artist? Jag har alltid älskat effekter i filmer och därför velat jobba med det. Jag har en bakgrund inom film-/videoproduktion och lite motion graphics – men att skapa saker och kombinera det med annat material och få det och se verkligt ut – det är något jag älskar. Varför valde du Visual Magic? Jag valde Visual Magic när jag såg kursinnehållet...
Lär känna våra studenter: Clover – VFX20
Visual Magics första klass, VFX20, är snart klara med sin andra termin. Vi har ställt sju snabba frågor till en av studenterna – Clover – för att bjuda på en liten inblick på hur det är att vara VFX-student här hos oss! Varför vill du jobba som VFX-artist? Det känns som ett perfekt sätt att kombinera konstnärliga och tekniska intressen och samtidigt bidra till att skapa något som förhoppningsvis kan vara till glädje för andra...
Studentcase: Motion Capture x kampsport
Skellefteå Budokan och Visual Magic samarbetar för att visualisera kampsport i 3D. Under andra terminen för Visual Magics utbildning till VFX-artist, låg fokus på Motion Capture och Virtual Production. VFX20-klassen fick då nyttja en av Campus Skellefteås två (!) professionella Motion Capture studior för att spela in rörelser från budosporterna Karate, Kendo, Iaido och Aikido. Våra 25 VFX-artister fick, indelade i covid-anpassade grupper á fem studerande och två lärare, göra allt. Vad innebär då allt?...
Studentcase: Musikvideo till FSOL
Sorry, your browser doesn't support embedded videos.Redan under sin första termin fick Visual Magics första VFX-klass, VFX20, göra en kommersiell musikvideo till Future Sound of London – FSOL. Detta möjliggjordes, och skedde under ledning av Cristoffer Wiker tillsammans med musikvideogurun Linus Johansson på North Kingdom. Ett roligt prestige-uppdrag som vi tror kommer att vara en viktig del av flera av våra studerandes showreel. Youtube: Facebook: Directed by North Kingdom + Visual Magic Bandets...
En utbildning med passion & engagemang
Vi som står bakom utbildningen drivs av en passion för det vi gör och har ambitionen att, tillsammans med företag och våra studenter, lyfta ribban ordentligt. Vi vill skapa en av världens bästa VFX-utbildningar – och här kan du bli en viktig kugge. Med talang och engagemang är allt möjligt! Vår utbildning är populär – HT 2020 hade vi mer än 120 sökande till 20 platser. Vi väljer vilka som får komma in via ett...
Garanterat boende till studenter
Det kommunala bostadsföretaget Skebo garanterar boende för alla som studerar hos oss! Bostadsgarantin innebär att du som studerande får förtur till en hyreslägenhet – du slipper alltså oroa dig vad gäller boende! Nära vackra Skellefteälven, några hundra meter från centrum, hittar du Campus Skellefteå. Det kommunala bostadsföretaget Skebo förmedlar allt från rum i korridor till vanliga lägenheter i områdena Älvsbacka, Sörböle och Anderstorp – alla inom gångavstånd till Campus. De flesta studentbostäderna är delvis möblerade. Internet,...
En ny utbildning – med nytt tänk
Visual Magic är betydligt mer än bara en VFX-utbildning. Vi erbjuder branschdesignad studionära färdighetsträning. Hos oss får du spendera dagarna med världsledande artister och lära dig yrket i projektform, inte sällan i produktioner som sedan kan ses på vita duken eller i kommersiella spel. Här lär du dig hur jobbet görs, dvs hur man arbetar i en verklig studiomiljö för att skapa VFX-produktioner i absolut världsklass. Vi fokuserar på dina färdigheter med dagliga genomgångar och...
En studietid med en rik fritid
Vi är måna om ditt välmående, din hälsa och att du får en bra studietid, därför erbjuds bland annat kostnadsfria träningsmöjligheter. Via studentföreningen erbjuds även en mängd aktiviteter – allt ifrån spel- och filmkvällar till live-spelningar på studentpuben. Campus Skellefteå ligger ett stenkast från centrum och sträcker sig ned till Skellefteälven. Där kan du ta en löptur eller varför inte fiska lax – helt gratis. På Campusområdet finns även en stor sporthall och en av...
En försmak av arbetslivet
All undervisning sker i väldigt nära samarbete med spel- och filmbranschen. Våra lärare och föreläsare är yrkesverksamma och kan därför undervisa i de programvaror och arbetssätt som branschen använder. Vi har dessutom ofta internationellt erkända föreläsare på plats. I styrelsen för utbildningen sitter representanter från bl.a. DICE, North Kingdom, Important Looking Pirates och Goodbye Kansas, som är med och påverkar innehållet i utbildningen. Till skillnad från universitetsstudier, som till största del sker via självstudier, så...
Rätt utbildning för dig?
Denna VFX-utbildning är skräddarsydd för dig som redan har en bra känsla för färg och form och ett brinnande intresse av att få jobba med digitala, visuella specialeffekter (VFX) inom datorspel, film, TV-serier och reklam – alternativt inom visualisering för arkitektur och teknik. Hos oss hittar du den perfekta mixen av studio och utbildning, som erbjuder det bästa från bägge världarna – och ger plats för egen kreativitet. Vi har skapat detta för att ge...
Part of something bigger
When you join Visual Magic, you become part of something bigger, a community of like-minded VFX artists worldwide. During your studies and our study visits, you will have the opportunity to build up an impressive network of people active in the industry. An important part of networking and your attractiveness among companies is the portfolio that you will be helped to build during your time with us. At Visual Magic we will support you in...FAQ – Frequently asked questions
Is there an opportunity to study abroad (in Sweden) in this field, for people aged 30-40?
- Yes, all students aged 18+ are welcome to apply.
Also, we judge all applicants anonymously so not to discriminate on age, gender, etc.
I would like to know what the criteria are for awarding the scholarships to students?
- We mainly look at ambition level and art fundamentals with Art fundamentals being the most important one.
Is a portfolio required for admission to the program? If so, what are the criteria for selecting a portfolio?
- Yes, but mainly just because of the work samples to get in. It’s ok not to have a portfolio prior to the education.
Is this scholarship only available to students? What is the minimum age to participate?
- Minimum age is 18 years old. The scholarship is available for everyone above the age of 18.
If you already have a good knowledge of the industries related to 3D Game Artist and are very basic about VFX in games, what more can you learn to become a VFX Artist for game companies?
- Depends which areas you know prior to the education. We teach both how to use shaders and a lot in houdini that can be utilised for game production.
If you already have a good knowledge of the industries related to 3D Game Artist and are very basic about VFX in games, what more can you learn to become a VFX Artist for game companies?
- It all comes down to what you already know, but implementation is key for any VFX artist.
I would like to ask what the criteria are for awarding the scholarships to students?
- We mainly look at ambition level and art fundamentals with Art fundamentals being the most important one.
We select scholars based on Application Form and Assignment, see
Is a portfolio required for admission to the program? If so, what are the criteria for selecting a portfolio? Are there specific skills that should be focused on when applying for the scholarship?
- A portfolio or worksamples is required. We mainly look at ambition level and art fundamentals with Art fundamentals being the most important one.
More info about the application process for International Students:
Application for International Students:
Is there any loan policy to support students with living expenses, tuition deficits?
- Unfortunately no.
Is the cost of food, accommodation, living expenses fully at the student’s expense or is there a financial support scheme?
- It’s at the student’s expense.
What is the cost of living on average, per month?
- Rent in the on-campus housing is around 2000 swedish kronor. Swedish students spent 11 000 per month which is plenty to live comfortably on. You can absolutely get by with less. It all comes down to your standard of living but 11k is good.
Swedish rules for student finances:
What’s the process to apply for the scholarship + what is the immigration process?
- Apply to our education:
- Submit your application to a Swedish embassy or consulate-general in your country of residence. The application form specifies which documents to enclose. Contact the embassy or consulate-general before you submit your application.
- You need to have the following documents before you apply. Carefully read the requirements for your application or it might get rejected outright. For a short application process, make sure you give them all the information they ask for.
- Valid passport
- Been admitted to fulltime studies (we will send these out 20th of June, during Swedish time)
- Proof of paid tuition fee. You will get a document to prove this.
- Bank statements to prove you can sustain yourself during your stay in Sweden. The requirement 2024 is 10 314 SEK (applox $1000) per month.
- Have, or have applied for, a comprehensive health insurance policy.
- If you intend to support yourself with bank assets, the bank statement you provide as proof of your assets must be issued no more than four months before the start of the period for which you are applying.
What are the job opportunities after graduation and after graduation can stay in Sweden to continue studying and working?
- Depends on how hard you study, but the Swedish creative industry is growing at a rapid pace. 2022 the games industry increased by another 6% employees and a revenue increase of 18%. Of all the newly hired 44% were women. Abroad Swedish companies hired around 5350 new employees which shows the need of Swedish companies for talent. 87% of the new hires got full time employment. The companies are mainly in Stockholm, but spread out across sweden in clusters of companies so stockholm isn’t the only option. One of these game clusters is near Skellefteå. Sweden has the 3rd largest number of companies nationwide in Europe, and ranked 5th in the amount of employees in the games industry. About 22% of all employees are women.
Can students get part-time jobs on Campus and if not, are there any restrictions on getting part-time jobs outside?
- If you have a study visa you are allowed to get part-time jobs. Campus itself doesn’t have part time jobs, but there are plenty of jobs available in town. Skellefteå is Sweden’s fastest growing city and there are more jobs available than there are people. During the summer there is a special foundation you can get work through, but you’d have to apply for it.
What are the skills needed to work in the game design industry?
- Art fundamentals are the main thing. Understanding how a vfx effect helps the user understand what is going on while also telling a story within the game or movie is key to becoming a successful vfx artist.
I’m most concerned about job opportunities for foreign students after graduating, as well as the work culture in Sweden in general (I seek work-life balance). What are your thoughts about this?
- Sweden (and the Nordics) generally have good work life balance. Sweden has a long history of work migration. It’s very common for a workplace to have english as it’s main language due to the amount of foreigners within the companies. This is also why we teach in English. Crunch is seen as a thing of the past, but of course depending on project and how things have went, it still happens. A rather big portion of swedish industry is from abroad (small country), so there isn’t any inherent resistance to foreign workers.
How should a game artist at the fresher level start his career upon graduation?
- As a Game artist a student should get a wide base and understand as much of everything as possible to find what field you appreciate the most. Once you have a good understanding of what everyone around you does, you will be a better artist in your own field as well. Be open to working with varied tasks. Be humble and work hard.
What are your thoughts about the Chinese VFX scene and the skills of the artists in China?
- We don’t have much insight into the Chinese VFX scene as it doesn’t affect our region of the world as much as it does the local region.
Does the school’s curriculum provide enough knowledge and skills for students to become professional VFX artists capable of working in studios both domestically and internationally?
- So far our students have both gotten work domestically with some seeking jobs abroad. One of which is running one of the largest mocap labs in canada by qualisys and another working at WETA.
Is the program structured to include thorough learning of 3D VFX, considering its significant application in the field of VFX?
- Yes, the program teaches a variety of fields. We teach everything between mocap, 3D, simulations and compositing.
The school’s program is a university or college program and what degree is awarded?
- The school is running on a type of school that’s unique to Sweden. Abroad it can be equal to a higher vocational polytechnic school. The degree is a diploma. We have collaborations with universities where you can study to get your bachelors degree however post-graduate with 2-3 semester extra. To get a job in Europe you don’t need a bachelor degree however. Only the portfolio matters and how well you work in a team.
Does the school have an actual Bachelor program?
- No, we have a higher vocational polytechnic diploma, but we do have collaborations with universities so with an extra year of study you could reach a Bachelor depending on what direction of Bachelor you would like to achieve. To get a job in Europe, you don’t need a Bachelor’s degree however. You just need a portfolio and formal training.
INTERNATIONAL STUDENT? – Read more about the application process (and potential scholarship) here:
We want to give everyone the opportunity to apply and have therefore chosen not to base our admission on grades. We also make sure to process all applications anonymously to ensure that age, gender, ethnicity, etc. will not affect the selection. What is assessed is knowledge and skills – in combination with your commitment to attend this education. We try to look at the whole picture, that is, if you are good at drawing/painting by hand, it can compensate for the lack of experience in 3D programs – and vice versa.
Thus, all Nordic citizens who applies for the education needs to send in assignments that show practical skills. This year there are three assignments worth up to 40 points each, for a maximum total of 120 points. Instructions for these are listed below, click on the plus signs…).
Assignment 1. A hand-drawn pencil drawing, see specification below.
Assignment 2. A colourful illustration or animated sequence created with a computer, see specification below.
Assignment 3. Sample of previous work, see specification below.
Note: The application pressure is high (in previous years there were way over 100 applicants) so the assignments are very important. Make sure to send in all three – and follow the instructions (including naming conventions) to the letter.
Technique: Hand-drawn drawing – including initial concept / sketch, use pencils. Format: A4, scanned or photographed.
Assessment basis: Creativity and drawing knowledge as well as a sense of form and / or anatomy as well as visual narration.
You are expected to show the process in steps, either by providing the initial sketch or by taking pictures while you draw – i.e. you need to show how you worked to get the final picture.
Please note: Several images should be combined into a single picture (only one assignment 1 is to be sent in). Name the file with your name and which assignment it is (e.g. ”roy_batty_1B.jpg”).
Select one of the following tasks:
- Alternative 1A: “Wizard sampling potent brew”. Motive: A magician sipping on potions (or similar).
- Alternative 1B: “Self portrait – skating”. Motive: A self-portrait where you do a trick on a skateboard.
Technique: An image or movie clip with strong colours that you have created/modified with a computer, drawing tablet or similar. You do not have to do everything from scratch but can use assets and other materials. No requirement for specific software.
Format: An image of max. 50 Mb or a movie clip of max. 60 seconds (max. 1 GB). The image/clip needs to show some sort of breakdown (showing how you created your work).
Basis of assessment: Your sense of form and colour, your creativity and how you can handle selected software.
Multiple images or movie clips (including breakdowns) must be merged into a single file (only one assignment 2 is to be submitted).
Name the file with your name and which assignment it is (e.g. ””).
Select one of the following tasks:
- Alternative 2A: ”Misplaced monster trying to blend in”. Motive: A colorful depiction of a monster doing its best (?) to fit in with the environment.
- Alternative 2B: ”Visual Magic”. Motive: Someone who uses magic to create something really colorful.
Here you submit something you have done before (or especially for this application).
Motive: Optional but preferably linked to/relevant for the education in some way. Including breakdown(s) and/or comments are highly recommended.
Format: An image (can be a collage with several motifs), max 50 Mb in size or a film clip no more than 2 minutes long and max 500 Mb. Only one work sample 3 file should be submitted (but it can be a picture collage or a show reel).
Assessment basis: How your submitted work shows skills that can be further developed in our education, i.e. your potential.
Name the file with your name and which assignment it is (e.g. ””).
NOTE: You must send in an actual file. Just providing a link to a portfolio/showreel or similar is NOT approved, as we must be able to download/store the assignment in order to assess it anonymously.
Submit the three work samples well in advance of the deadline (June 16) – so we have time to react if any file has become corrupt or has other problems.
If the file is >10 MB, we recommend that you use a web service that can send large files, for example eller
Send all three assignments to
Mark the email (subject) with ”VFX24 ASSIGNMENT ”, the number of the assignment in question, and your name.
NOTE! Your ability to follow the above instructions (incl. follow our file naming conventions, stay within file size limits, etc.) will also be assessed – so please double check before submitting…
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me at: or 076-7613116
Good luck!
Oh, and don’t forget to send in the actual application (deadline 2024-06-06)…
More info about the application process for International Students:
Application for International Students:
More info about how to apply if you are a Nordic citizen:
Register and apply (Nordic students):
Most of the lectures/classes are held in English – both to help our non Swedish students and because of English being the chosen corporate language of the industry (thus our guest lecturers tend to prefer to teach in that language). Also, most VFX-software are in English anyway.
Individual help is provided in both English and Swedish.
De flesta föreläsningarna/lektionerna hålls på engelska – både för att hjälpa våra icke-svenska studenter och för att engelska är det valda koncernspråket i branschen (därför brukar även våra gästföreläsare föredra att undervisa på det språket). Dessutom är de flesta VFX-programvara på engelska.
Individuell hjälp ges på både engelska och svenska. har enbart program och kurser för Universitet och Högskolor. Vi är en Yrkeshögskoleutbildning. Läs mer om Yrkeshögskolan <<här!>>
Utbildningen berättigar till studiemedel – men du måste själv ansöka om detta hos Centrala studiestödsnämnden:
Nedan finner du lite uppgifter som kan vara bra att veta i din kontakt med CSN:
Utbildningens officiella namn
VFX-artist: 3D-visualisering och digital compositing
Vuxenutbildningen, Skellefteå kommun
Studietiden och omfattningen motsvarar: studier på heltid, 100% i 101 veckor
240826-250110 (examen)
250825-260109 (examen)
260824-270114 (examen)
Bra fråga 🙂
Kärt barn har många namn. Officiellt (inkl. på ansökningen) heter utbildningen: VFX-artist: 3D-visualisering och digital compositing
Vi använder dock oftast istället namnet: Visual Magic – VFX-artist för spel och film (alternativt, på engelska: Visual Magic – VFX-artist for Games and Film).
Det är givetvis en fördel om du har testat skapa saker i 3D – men inget krav. Att du är estetiskt lagd (har en känsla för färg och form) är viktigare. Vi kommer att se till helheten, det vill säga att om du är bra på att rita/måla för hand kan det kompensera för brist på erfarenhet i 3D-program – och tvärtom.
Vi kommer att skicka ut ett antagningsprov till alla sökande där de får visa vad de kan.
Vi kräver Engelska 6 eller motsvarande kunskaper. Detta främst för att de studerande ska kunna hänga med vid föreläsningar från internationella artister.
Det går jättebra att söka även om du inte har läst Engelska 6 (eller bara saknar slutbetyg)!
För att vi ska få koll på din engelska (utan ett betyg) ska du då istället bifoga en kortare text (ca en halv A4) där du, med egna ord på engelska, berättar om varför du vill gå utbildningen. Texten behöver inte vara perfekt, det räcker om vi ser att du har hyfsad koll 🙂
The education is held on site (i.e. no distance learning is available at the moment).
It is located at Campus Skellefteå – in the middle of northern Europe’s fastest growing gaming cluster (Arctic Game).
Visual Magic: VFX artist for film and games has, together with several other game-related educations, its own floor in one of the buildings on Skellefteå Campus. There we offer a creative environment. In total, there are approx. 400 students in games/graphics at Campus Skellefteå!
You can find more information about the place of study and other things at:
Skellefteå is a city (in almost exponential growth and almost zero unenployment rate) in the northern parts of Sweden.
The training follows the needs and trends that exist in the industry so that you will arrive very well prepared for internships and jobs.
We use the most commonly used (and required) software – including node based and realtime ones. Among other things, we will provide training in Houdini, Nuke, Maya, Zbrush and Marvelous Designer as well as Unreal Engine.
We are very proud to be one of the few schools that are certified by SideFX (Houdini) and Epic (Unreal).
Please note that this education believes in using the most relevant software – not to be confused with similar educations that claim to work closely with the industry but mainly use cheap/free software. We focus on quality, even though it forces us to pay really expensive software fees.
All students are assigned their own (borrowed) powerful desktop computer free of charge during their studies – and also get their own workplace in our newly renovated premises (updated with more space and a brand new ventilation system before the start of the semester).
We do not require the purchase of any student literature – so study allowance (CSN) can instead be used to create a better study environment (buying your own extra monitor, drawing board, comfortable office chair or the like) and to subscribe to the licences that are not part of the school’s offer, see below.
The school provides Maya, Houdini, Nuke, Ftrack, Substance Painter/Designer, Unreal, Motion Builder, Marvelous Designer, etc. free of charge – but the students themselves are expected to pay for student licences (for a total of about SEK 250/month) in the form of Maxxon One ( Zbrush/Cinema4D/Redshift) and Photoshop.
NEWS & Info